CSVP 2015 is in Kelowna

Hello again! In case anyone finds this page while looking for information on the Canadian Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology 2015 meeting, here are the details:

2nd Circular, Canadian Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology

3rd Annual Conference

May 13th-16th, 2015


Venue – Rotary Center for the Arts

421 Cawston Ave., Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 6Z1

The first ever stand-alone meeting of the Canadian Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will be held in the Okanagan Valley of south-central British Columbia in the City of Kelowna, at Kelowna’s Rotary Center for the Arts.


The region is known for its fruit and wine, and has over 220 wineries in the valley. The mid-May date usually sees early summer weather with average daytime highs of 20 degrees. To learn more about the region, please visit Tourism Kelowna’s website at: http://www.tourismkelowna.com/



Local Organizing Committee

Robert Young, Earth and Environmental Sciences: Robert.Young@ubc.ca 250-807-9523

Michael Deyholos, Biology:  Michael.Deyholos@ubc.ca



Abstract Instructions – *important Changes*

Deadline for registration and abstracts is April 15.

*Please email your complete abstracts to Michael Caldwell (mw.caldwell@ualberta.ca) with the subject heading CSVP 2015 Abstract.

Indicate whether you will give a presentation or a poster.


Titles must be no more than 120 characters with spaces.


The full list of co-authors must be listed with the planned presenter as first author, in the format LAST NAME, First name Initials, Institutional address, email address; LAST NAME, First name Initials, Institutional address, email address.


Abstracts will be limited to no more than 500 words and can be in either English or French. Titles, authors, affiliations should follow that of the abstract format, above.


Abstracts should be compiled in Word (.doc).


Student Awards

Students wishing to be considered for the Robert Lynn Carroll Prize of the CSVP must indicate such with their abstract submission and follow the guidelines provided on the CSVP website (note: you must also be a student member of CSVP to compete)(http://csvp.ca/).




Technical sessions will take place in the Mary Irwin Theatre, Rotary Center for the Arts, Kelowna. Contributed talks will be scheduled for all day Thursday and Friday from 8:30 – 15:30 in the Mary Irwin Theatre. Posters will be presented from 15:30-17:30 in the Aquila Greenroom. All oral presentations will be in a 15 minute format including time for questions. A detailed schedule will be sent to all registrants in the first half of May.



Deadline to register is April 15. You must be registered to submit a presentation or poster abstract.


To register, please:

  1. indicate whether you will present a talk or a poster.
  2. indicate if you plan on attending the icebreaker. State the number of banquet tickets ($60, see below) that you wish to purchase.
  3. indicate your interest in participating in the half-day or full-day, Saturday field trip.


Those wishing to attend the conference without presenting a poster or talk please email both Robert.Young@ubc.ca & vertpale@ualberta.ca indicating items iii) – iv).


Conference Registration Fee (includes program with abstracts, refreshment breaks):

Professional/Postdoctoral: $115.00

CSVP Student Member: free (to register as a CSVP Student Member – http://csvp.ca/ )

CSVP Non-Voting Members: $115.00

Public/Non-Members: $230.00

-The registration fee does not include the cost of banquet $60.00; guests may purchase a banquet ticket for $60 .00 (estimate – the dollar value for catering is dependent on numbers of attendees and guests and may go up or down from the estimated of $60.00).

-On site payments will only be accepted at the Registration Table located in the Delta Grand and Sun-Rype Lobby on 4:00 Wednesday May 13, and Thursday the 14th April via cash or cheque (made payable to the Canadian Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology).  People wishing to pay in advance may mail a cheque (payable to Canadian Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology) to the treasurer: Alison Murray, Dept. Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, T6G 2E9


Note: there are no late registration fees, but we would greatly appreciate a notice before the conference if you are attending (please email Robert.Young@ubc.ca & vertpale@ualberta.ca ).

A new journal: Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology

Hi everyone – I’m sharing this here on behalf of Alison Murray:

At the CSVP meeting last year, I told you I would like to set up a new journal. The journal, Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology, is now in existance, although no articles are published yet. I was hoping to have an inaugural issue with exciting articles to read before I announced this, but my timing has not worked. I hope to have the first issue appear in the new year.


The journal is 100% free (no cost to authors or readers) as it is hosted on OJS (Open Journal Systems) which is supported by a consortium of  universities. I hope you will consider sending appropriate articles to the journal. It will be properly peer-reviewed, and eventually I will apply for it to be assessed for an impact factor (this cannot happen until the journal has been in existence for two+ years). As articles come in, I will be asking for people to join the editorial board to handle manuscripts in their area.

We could also do with a nice logo and cover suggestions – but of course, in the spirit of free, I will have no money to pay any artists!

best wishes,


CPC 2014 will be at McGill University

Hello all!

In case anyone comes across this site in their search for information about the 2014 Canadian Paleo Conference, I’m posting this message that was mass emailed by Dr. Hans Larsson. Please contact Dr. Larsson for more information about this year’s conference. Hope to see you there!

Hi everyone,

Included in this mass emailing are everyone listed from the past five years in the CPC and last year’s CSVP list. Appologies for multiple postings. If you would like to be removed or know someone that should be included, please let me know.

I would like to announce that this year’s annual meeting of the Palaeontology Division of the Geological Association of Canada (http://publish.uwo.ca/~ctsujita/paleodivisiongac.htm) and the Canadian Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology (http://csvp.ca) will be another joint meeting. The meeting will take place in Montreal this Labour Day weekend. Last year’s joint meeting was a great success and the timing was appreciated by many – just after the summer field season but before the academic season. The joint meeting will be held at the Redpath Museum, McGill University (http://www.mcgill.ca/redpath), in the heart of Montreal.


Scheduling is planned as:

Thursday, 28 August – evening icebreaker

Friday, 29 August – contributed seminars

Saturday, 30 August – contributed seminars and closing banquet

Sunday, 31 August – field trip TBD


Abstract and registration deadlines are set for 1 August 2014. Efforts will be made to keep registration fees free for students andnominal for employed persons.


The Palaeo Divison will present another Pikaia Award (http://publish.uwo.ca/~ctsujita/paleodivisiongac_files/Page623.htm) this year. If you would like to nominate someone, please send your nominations to Michael Cuggy michael.cuggy@usask.ca by 1 June 2014.



Hans Larsson | Associate Professor | Canada Research Chair in Macroevolution | Redpath Museum | McGill University | hans.ce.larsson@mcgill.ca

Thanks for visiting!

The Canadian Paleontology Conference and University of Alberta Laboratory for Vertebrate Paleontology 50th Anniversary Symposium were a rousing success! Thanks to everyone who presented their research, attended the lectures or field trip, or helped out in any way! We thought we’d share a few photos of the conference here. If you took any photos during the conference or field trip, send them our way – we’d love to share them here! You can email them to vertpale@ualberta.ca.

DSC_2358    Attendees of the inaugural meeting of the Canadian Society of Vertebrate Paleontology posed for a photo on Friday evening. It only took us an hour and a half to agree on our constitution – that’s pretty good, right?

On Saturday evening we all enjoyed a nice barbecue dinner at the Faculty Club’s patio.



We had a dedicated crew of students and postdocs helping to organize the conference. Here we are last week making some last minute changes to 150 copies of the abstract volume. Efficiency!


It was hard to part with all of those wonderful squishy vertebrae that conference attendees received as part of their swag bags. Those things were like an instant work-disruptor anytime anyone came into the grad office.



I think our best record for ‘number of vertebrae stacked before they fall over and make a huge mess’ was 15.

It was great to see old friends and meet some new ones. Hopefully we’ll see you at next year’s CPC and CSVP meetings! And remember, if you’ve got some photos you’d like to share, send them along to vertpale@ualberta.ca and we’ll post them here!

Field trip – meetup location change

Hello field trip participants!

This morning we just realized that there is construction occurring for the next few weeks along Saskatchewan Drive, which unfortunately seems to be blocking the entrance to the BioSci loading dock area. So, the meeting location for the field trip on Sunday is being moved to the parking lot on the north side of the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences building (accessible also from Saskatchewan Drive, but away from the construction). A map showing the meeting location is attached, and this should actually be a slightly more visible meeting location than the loading dock, so hopefully nobody will get lost!

new fieldtrip meetup

For those of you who will be parking your own vehicles for the morning and carpooling with someone else: parking in this lot is VERY expensive. Better parking options can be found at the nearby Windsor Car Park, or at metered parking along Saskatchewan Drive.

Where to find us on Friday!

The Canadian Paleontology Conference lectures are being held in a really cool new building on campus, the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science. It’s a great building, but a little bit complicated to find your way in.

The UofA has a great interactive campus map that can be accessed here: http://www.campusmap.ualberta.ca/

Here’s what the building looks like from outside in the main quad:Butterdome, Universiade Pavilion

Here’s the floor plan for the ground level, which has a Starbucks. You’ll need to head down the stairs!

CCIS ground level

On the lowest level, we’ll be in the big lecture theatre L2-200. We’ll try to have some ‘greeters’ around to help you find your way! See you all soon!

CCIS lecture room lower level

Information for Presenters

We are really looking forward to seeing everyone in just a few weeks! As you prepare your talks and posters, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Talks must be no more than 15 minutes – we have a very full schedule, and we definitely want to have time for coffee, lunch, and viewing posters! In order to have time for questions at the end of your presentation, you might want to aim for your talk to take 12-13 minutes.

2. The presentation room is equipped with a computer with Powerpoint, and a data projector. If you want to bring your own laptop or tablet, please make sure you have the necessary power cables and adapters.

3. For those presenting a poster, the poster boards are 4×5 feet and use tacks. The posters will be available for viewing on both days of the conference and can be set up as early as 8:30 am on Friday, August 30. Posters should be taken down before the barbecue on Saturday, August 31.

Speaker Schedule now available

Hello everyone! You can now find out who will be talking about what here in Edmonton at the end of August – visit our Speaker Schedule page to see the lineup of presentations. The schedule may change slightly if we have any cancellations, but this should pretty much be what to expect later in August!

There have been a few changes to some of the social events going on during the conferences – all three evening socials will now be held at the Faculty Club on campus.

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at vertpale@ualberta.ca if you have any questions.

Field Trip Update!

UPDATED: Registration for the field trip closed on August 15. The field trip is totally packed! Unless you have registered for the field trip already, please don’t plan on showing up at the university on September 1 – there won’t be any spaces for additional participants. 

We’ve just added a new page with details about the Canadian Paleontology Conference field trip. We’ll be visiting the Danek Edmontosaurus Bonebed on Sunday, September 1.

We are booking a 15-passenger van and spots will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis – please email vertpale@ualberta.ca to let us know if you need transportation to the bonebed. We will also help arrange carpooling down to the site, so if you will have a vehicle while in Edmonton and would be willing to share a ride, please let us know.

Registration for the field trip closes on Thursday, August 15, so if you haven’t done so already, please email vertpale@ualberta.ca to let us know if you will be joining the field trip. More information is available on the Field Trip page.